18 January 2016
H.E. Dr. Pen Pannha, Chairman of the Commission on Legislation and Justice of the National Assembly of the Kingdom of Cambodia, chaired a preparatory meeting with National Assembly Secretary-General H.E. Mr. Leng Peng Long, along with concerned officials to discuss preparation for the forthcoming 9th APA Plenary Session, which will be held in the Kingdom of Cambodia in the end of 2016.
In the meeting, H.E. Dr. Pen Pannha centered on some work related to the substance and procedure of the entire APA plenary. He went on to say that in order to organize the 9th APA Plenary, the Secretariat-General of the National Assembly shall create different working groups to arrange preparatory work before the plenary arrives, as well as until its conclusion. He added that we do the same things as the 8th APA Plenary Session, which consists of working groups in charge of finance and supplies, documentation, transportation, security, protocol and information.
The Chairman also took that moment during the meeting to applaud and highly evaluate the great attention paid by leaders and civil servants from all concerned institutions for making tireless efforts in fulfilling their duties since the Cambodian parliament successfully hosted the 8th APA Plenary in 2015, a resounding success that has been a national pride for Cambodia to enjoy its reputation in the international stage.
It is noted that the Parliament of the Kingdom of Cambodia has been the host of the 8th and 9th APA Plenary Session, chaired by Samdech Akka Hoha Ponhea Chakrei HENG SAMRIN, President of the National Assembly of the Kingdom of Cambodia, for a two-year term from 2015-2016.